Japanese tea cafe / Japan tea shop [Chai]

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Japanese tea cafe
Japanese tea cafe

Japanese tea instructor certification

Nihoncha café/Nihoncha shop (Chai), Kunihisa Sato (instructor) is the shop’s owner and server.
A tea brewing expert specializing in the skills and techniques required to brew tea in only the best ways. Of course the selection of only the highest quality teas are key.
Tea Brewer
Kunihisa Sato
Kunihisa Sato’s goal in regards to tea brewing is to search for the essence of authentic tea brewing, regardless of ceremony.
He takes the time and effort to choose only the best tea leaves by visiting the growers themselves. He sincerely hopes you will enjoy his teas. Come and experience them for yourself!

Tea Pottery Gallery

On display is a selection of the fine tea pottery for guests to enjoy along the hallway to the café. Items are available for purchase.

Nihoncha Café

 The shop features four counter seats for those who would like to talk about tea. Two tables are available to all.

Nihoncha Café’s Atmosphere

The theme follows 16th century (Azuchi-momoyama era) décor. This was the dawn of the “Tea Ceremony” in Japan. We hope to provide not just the taste, but also an atmosphere of true tea.
Soft lighting reflects off a painting featuring an historical label used to ship tea to America.